Ammers Vow To Bounce Back From Flooding
31st December, 2010
Yorkshire Amateur have, like many clubs, been dealt a cruel blow as they arrived to the clubhouse on Tuesday to find it under almost a foot of water.
Due to several bursts in the main pipe, the clubhouse has been totally wrecked with damage caused by falling ceilings and water which has meant the entire building has now become a no-go zone.
Fortunately, the changing rooms and hospitality areas are undamaged as they are in a separate block.
Several committee members and local builders Hodder and Brookes have spent the rest of the week clearing the debris, mopping out the remaining water and removing the damaged floors, equipment and furniture.
Chairlady Jeni French said: "Yorkshire Amateur have overcome many obstacles in the past and this one won't slow us down.
"Whilst it was a horrific scene to walk into on Tuesday, spirits remain high and, as a club once more, we have pulled together to get started straight away on the clean-up operation.
"Hodder and Brookes have been fantastic and are working hard to ensure there is little or no disruption to our first home game on 15th January.
"Here at the club, we are used to spots of bad luck. But, if this is what we get for going eleven unbeaten, then bring on the next eleven as it won't affect our lads!
"In fact, it makes them more determined to show people we are made of resilient stuff here at Bracken Edge.
"We are having one of our best seasons in a long time under the guidance of Paul Lines and Steve Milner and are currently sitting fourth in the league.
"Our aim is to stay at this end of the table no matter what life throws at us."
(Story Source: Yorkshire Amateur)
Click here for Yorkshire Amateur's team page.